- Amy Privette
Community Connection: Wake County Resources List & Well Check Program for Seniors
Did you know that Wake County has one of the fastest growing senior populations in the state? Because older populations often face some unique issues, the Wake County Sheriff's Office (WCSO) has assembled a list of resources designed to help this specific (and beloved!) population of people.
The Center for Volunteer Caregiving Programs and services include transportation, caregiver support, and in-home connections: 919-460-0567
Hopeline Reassurance Program
Volunteers can make “reassurance calls” to seniors or people with disabilities who may not have much contact with others: 919-832-3326
Resources for Seniors:
Provides home and community-based services so that disabled and senior adults can maximize their independence for as long as possible while remaining in their homes: 919-713-1556
North Carolina Division of Aging & Adult Services:
Works to promote the independence and enhance the dignity of North Carolina's older adults, persons with disabilities and their families through a community-based system of opportunities, services, benefits and protections: 919-733-3983
Wake County's Citizens Well Check Program: See details below!
In this blog, we'd like to highlight the Citizens Well Check Program, particularly since this time of year can bring power outages, resulting from icy weather, which pose a heightened threat especially to those who live alone.
The Wake County Sheriff’s Office offers the Citizen Well Check Program to all Wake County residents 65 years or older who live alone and would like a daily call to check in. Participants of the program will be contacted every day at 9 a.m. with an automated message from Sheriff Rowe. After the message, they can press #1 and hang up if they are OK. If there is no response, they will be contacted again at 9:05 a.m. If there is no answer by the third call at 9:10 a.m., their key contact will be called and notified. If no one has heard from the citizen, a deputy will be dispatched to check on them.
To learn more about the program or to enroll in the service, you can visit the Wake County Sheriff's website at https://www.wake.gov/departments-government/wake-county-sheriffs-office-willie-rowe-sheriff/citizens-well-check-program or call (984) 298-1363.
Please note that should you, your parent, loved one, neighbor, church member or friend need immediate assistance, you can contact the Wake County Sheriff's Office by calling 9-1-1 in an emergency or 919-856-6911 in a non-emergency situation.
Stay safe and well, and don't hesitate to use the community resources that are available to you and your loved ones.